Saturday, November 24, 2007

Life moves pretty fast....

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
- Ferris Bueller

The last few weeks have been pretty busy, and full of new stuff for the family.

1. Disneyland. Our kids had never been. We got there about 10am, and left just shy of midnight. Everybody had a blast! Favorite ride? Splash mountain!

Splash Mountain 2007

2. Teeth. Muscle Man lost two teeth in short order. One of them came out while he was sleeping and Monkey Boy found it for him on the carpet. Thank goodness the Lizard Wife was able to make a Tooth Fairy Pillow in time!

3. Bicycles. I convinced Muscle Man to try his bike without training wheels. He did OK the handful of times we did it during a picnic/BBQ. The next day I took all four kids to a local school with a nice open area. I pushed MM once to get him started and he took off.

I really have to figure out how to get better quality of the cell phone. The good news is the Lizard Wife got some better video with her camera in our back yard.

Oh...MM also upgraded to a 16" bike. It's a reach, but I'm guessing the growth spurt he started this week will make it easier!


Mama Lizard said...

Yes, I guess you could say we've been pretty busy. But busy is good. Sure beats the alternative! :D

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Anyone that quote Ferris Bueller has got to be a cool guy!

Nice blog - I'll be back!


The Lizard said...

Thanks, Hallie :)

I've either got to be cool, or getting old!
