Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Christmas Season

This has been a great Christmas Season! In a way it started in November with our first family trip to Disneyland. Since then, Mama Lizard took the herd back for a day and we went last week when her parents were in town for the Poinsettia Bowl. A win there would have made the season better, but it was a pretty good game.

Disney "Cars" characters were definitely the hit of the gift giving. Everybody got something, including all the little lizards getting Cars sheets. Who would have thought sheets could get them so excited?

The best gift came from Little Princess's Greatest Aunt Kathi. Enjoy some pictures :)

Horse Barn 26 Dec 07 008 Horse Barn 26 Dec 07 004

Horse Barn 26 Dec 07 006

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Network Security

One of the things I'm interested in is computer security. For a while I've recommended people check out to check their security with Shields Up!, as well as read about DOS attacks and try some of the other security tools.

Recently, one of my students noted that Steve started up a Podcast. Well, I bought an Ipod this summer and just started listening to the Podcasts this week. Great geek stuff! I was especially surprised to hear that I missed the story that WEP is now 98% crackable in two minutes.

On an unrelated, but still security related note, I also started playing with a new program today. If you want to increase your protection from the outside, try playing with Sandboxie. This seems to have some potential for those who are a little more adventurous ;)


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Monday, December 10, 2007

I knew...

there was a reason men want sex so much. It's purely so the women in our lives can enjoy the benefits.

Health Benefits of Weekly Sex |

Don't worry, dear. I'll sacrifice myself for your health and well being :)