Monday, October 15, 2007

Why does my wife homeschool?

Because it's needed?

A friend of ours once said we should have as many kids as possible. Why? We've got good genes. We're strengthening the gene pool. Something about two arguably successful graduates of the Naval Academy.

So why do I ask this? This past weekend was our church's fall festival. This is a time for families throughout the parish and neighborhoods to gather, have some fun, and raise a little money for the church.

I was walking to trade in game tickets ("Win" and "Star" tickets) for prizes for the kids, when I heard a teen-age kid yell to his friend as they were headed in the opposite direction. Not a problem, but out of 6 words, at least two can't be said on TV.

It's been a long while since I would let something like this go. I yelled "Hey, hold on a minute" to get his attention. He looked at me and started walking away from me. He's walking his BMX bike, so I grabbed the seat to get his attention. I might not have been raised to respect every authority, but when I knew an adult or someone senior to me in the Navy is talking to me, I stopped to listen.

This kid didn't want to hear me out. I've got four kids, 8 and under. I'm not letting this go. I got him to face me by putting my hand on his shoulder (I know...yellow light is getting pretty bright - no witnesses except his friends at this point - it'll be my word against his), and I explain that he is "on church grounds at a festival with hundreds of families around" and that I would appreciate it if he toned his language down.

Any guesses on his response? Yep...he cursed in the process of saying he didn't care and it doesn't matter.

At some point in here, he threatens to go get his dad. I told him to go ahead. "I'd love to talk to your dad." He says his dad would be angry with me because he would have to interrupt his dad's "relations". "I don't care. Go get him."

They started away and I didn't think anything of it, going on the "buy" the toys for the kids.

A bit later I'm walking around and find the kid and his friends watching me. At one point they were actually taking a video of me with their cell phone. I'm not sure what for. Maybe to show a father holding his son at a church festival and not bothering anyone?

Regardless, the next thing I know the kid is in my face again and saying I had no right to stop him earlier. He said he was going to get my information and sue me for putting my hand on his shoulder. I told him it had been 30 minutes since I told him to get his dad the first time, and that I hadn't left yet. I welcomed him again to go get his dad, and I'd give his dad my information.

That was the last I saw him. I waited around for over 20 more minutes. Would his dad have tried to "beat me up"? Would his dad kicked his backside in for talking back to an adult? It's amazing how twisted reality can be for some people.

So...back to my original question. Why does my wife homeschool? For one thing, we are trying to raise our kids to be 100% unlike this kid. For another, I don't want to expose my kids to people like this or the parents that let them get that way.

Oh, and it doesn't hurt that our kids seem to be pretty smart :)

Sorry, had to vent that a little bit. Growing up I could never have imagined acting like that, nor could I imagine my kids acting that way.

Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm OK with Dell.

So for a while now I've been having problems with the sound card on my Dell D620 laptop. As long as it was trying to play a sound, it would erupt in solid static at max volume. Headset? Same thing. It was odd because after a few minutes it would go away.

Over time it got to where it didn't matter for how long I let it go. So Wednesday I decided to contact Dell Tech Support. The best move I made was to use Chat instead of the phone. I got connected right away. I also didn't have to worry about an accent!

The end result, after running the Dell built-in diagnostics, was that there was a problem with the sound card (Duh!) and the motherboard had to be replaced. In the past I would have a DHL rep show up on my doorstep with a padded box, ready to take my life away for an indeterminate amount of time.

Not this time! We're talking late Wednesday night they asked if it was urgent and I would need next day support. They shipped a new motherboard to a local tech, and he showed up today. About an hour later, the motherboard was replaced and things were almost 100% back to normal. That's better service than when I had to mail it in, and that was usually one day in each direction for mailing, plus time in the depot.

The only problem I had was the Intel PROset Wireless software giving me fits. It had some Profile issues to include this error:An internal database error occurred when saving/updating the profile.

Repairing the software installation a couple of times seems to have fixed that...but not until I was on the phone with Dell's Wireless Techs.

We'll see how this holds up...

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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Are you on time?

I try to be. I've got most things nailed. I am a master at knowing just how long I have to get ready, out the door, and to my destination without being late or excessively early. Too long getting beat up with "If you're on time, you're late!"? Dunno. But I'm usually 5 minutes early :)

So last night, I tell my lovely Lizard Wife that I'd like to leave between 9 and 10am for a trip to my mom's. It shouldn't be to hard, right? She agreed with the understanding that I wouldn't do anything to keep us in bed too late. Tough decision, but when my mother called at 730am to tell us things would be a little cooler than she expected it made things really easy. We were getting a great head start!

So how did we not leave until noonish?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Lose weight with me? my part time employer (the Navy) says I need to lose 25 lbs or so. I was thinking 30-35lbs.

Before my last business trip I signed up for membership with 24Hr Fitness. I got a pretty good deal for the first three years(works out to less than $20 per month prepaid) and $29 a year after that. Yes, that is $29 for the year. And at basically $19 per month for the first three years, paid up front, I'd say it's a pretty good deal.

Anyway...I got 6 trainer sessions with the deal too :)

So today I spent my first session with Megan. We went through all of the paperwork (medical history with liability waiver, exercise history, etc.) plus did measurements to see where I am. The goal I had decided on was the 30-35 lbs...

With the caliper test my BF% is about 23.5%. According to their numbers, I'm in the acceptable range. According to the Navy, that uses height, weight, and neck/waist measurements, I'm OBESE. I need to lose about 27 lbs to be at the max for height/weight. I think I like 24Hr Fitness's numbers better!

When asked what BF% I'd like to reach, I said somewhere in their "Fit" range. That would be 13-17% IIRC. So low balling it, 17% was listed as my BF% goal. Doing the math, that only works out to losing about 20Lbs. By those numbers, I'll be closer to 10% BF when I'm at my target.

So now the number crunching is done. Only 30 minutes of my 60 with the trainer are gone. I guess we'll have time to exercise a little after all! Off to the treadmill with a bit of an incline and 6mph to get warmed up, then over to the mat for abs!!! Go figure Sensei M decided to do 40 crunches instead of the regular 30 at karate 90 minutes later!!!

So who's with me?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

First night of Karate!

OK...tonight was the first night my lovely bride and Monkey Boy started karate. This is the same class that Little Miss and I started two years ago.

The best part? When the lizard wife came home complaining about how sore her shoulder muscles were from practicing blocks :)

Jury Duty

Several months back I got a summons for Jury Duty. You know....that civic responsibility that keeps our nation great. The timing couldn't have been worse between reserves and work, so I postponed it. I got the next summons and the same problem - too busy. Did I mention that you have to postpone for at least 6 weeks out? I could have fit jury duty in quite nicely except for that.

Well, when I got the second summons and postponed, I picked a spot early in October. Apparently the 9th of October is what I decided on. Well, that wouldn't do either, so I had to move it again. Luckily, you get two weeks in either direction from your report date. Today was my day.

Armed with my video Ipod, and a book to write my love letter to my wife, I set out. The best news about all of this is California switched a couple years back to One Day - One Trial. If you get picked for a trial, you do that trial and are done. It can last one day or thirty. If you don't get picked for a trial, you're done. Period. Go home. Come back in a year or two.

The one thing that really surprised me was that 80% of the people there had done Jury Duty before. It's been 7 years since I left active duty and this is the first time for me. My lovely lizard wife has been chosen three times, but as the primary care giver to our nest she doesn't have to serve.

Monday, October 1, 2007

First blog

So...why does a lizard need a blog? Why to help his wife figure out how to use things! We'll see what else pops up in here.

For now...she's concerned that the WYSIWYG editor for Blogger has disappeared on her. Go figure that I'm using it right now ;)


While I'm here, I might as well introduce the cast...

I'm the lizard ;)
My lovely bride is the Lizard Wife.
Our kids are Little Miss, Monkey Boy, Mighty Man, and Little Dude in descending order (8,6,4,2 for now...)