Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Letters from the front line

Black Five recently pointed readers to Kaboom. Take some time to read what he has written. It's refreshing to read such well written words from a FOB.

It's now a permanent fixture in my reader.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Is this really what people want?


Let's start with the ex-president...

Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton asserted the dire need to "put an end to the losing streak crisis" at American casinos. She stopped short of blaming losing streaks on the Bush administration, but quoted statistics that showed a greater number of jackpots and higher chances of winning in the years when she and her husband were in the White House.

"The government should insulate low-income gamblers from going broke and give a second or third chance to any losing individual by providing special government chips that can be used in any casino or participating drinking establishment," she said at a recent Caesar's Palace fundraiser.

and her biggest competition...

Barack Obama countered Mrs. Clinton's plan with a proposal to level the playing field by freezing the minimum bet requirement at $5 on all tables until at least 6pm on weekdays, when working families and single mothers finish their jobs and rush to the casinos. In combination with a push to increase the number of Blackjack tables and Double Diamond Deluxe machines, and lifting the $100,000 cap on jackpots, this should "bring a welcome change and give hope" to all income groups and minorities, Obama stated.

and we can't forget "Silky"

John Edwards proposed to unionize all "temporary playing collectives" around casino tables, with a floating membership fee based on the amount of winnings, and a security insurance fund to compensate the potential losers. If a dealer deals himself a Blackjack he would have to pay a "pain and suffering" fine to the group's elected representative, followed by an equal redistribution of all chips among players. Union leaders have pledged support for this plan on the condition that it will restrict playing at the tables to union members only.

I'm not saying that the other side of the aisle is perfect, but I wouldn't say they are nearly as bad as those listed here.

Regardless, I have a hard time with either bailing out those who overextended on unconventional loans or gambling.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

This is so familiar to me...

I have no doubt that my kids can do this. They have also figured out how to pull drawers out at different depths to make stairs.

As they got older, they figured out how to use the little fisher price car (think Flintstones car) to get into the tree, then get from the tree to the roof.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Is it clear enough?

I'm a little surprised by the results, but not where red vs blue line up. The link is at the bottom.

79% Mitt Romney
76% John McCain
74% Fred Thompson
71% Tom Tancredo
69% Mike Huckabee
57% Rudy Giuliani
56% Ron Paul
41% Bill Richardson
37% Hillary Clinton
37% John Edwards
33% Chris Dodd
30% Barack Obama
28% Joe Biden
24% Mike Gravel
19% Dennis Kucinich

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz